Friday, October 14, 2011

photo op

I'll have to interrupt this (not) regularly-scheduled blog to give a super-loud shout out to Sherry Lane Photography for the photos she took of my family just a few weeks ago.  Sherry has been a long-time friend of my family and is a wonderful, sweet, creative chick. 

Sherry went way beyond the call of duty with more ideas and energy than I could have imagined.  To keep two little kids not only corralled but focused and happy for two hours?  Well, I just think that's a gift that not everyone has.  ;)

I look at some of the photos and wonder, "Who ARE these people?"   Where are the dark circles under my eyes or the toddler-snot on my shirt?   I look at Eric's face (handsome dude that he is) and think back to the first time I met him over 11 years ago.  And I look at our kids and my mind goes blank and I can't think of a word to say.   I'm just blessed beyond measure and uncharacteristically speechless.  These photos just capture their darling personalities perfectly. 

If you like what you see, visit Sherry here.  And here are a few of my favorites:

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