Saturday, October 8, 2011

meal list thursday: out of commission

So I'm posting this a couple of days late but I have a good excuse.  Swear.  The 24-stomach bug just ain't for the weak of heart. 

But here I am just one day later: alive and well, with a gut full of wicked hot salsa and beefy Mexican goodness from Lily's Mexican Restaurant.  I feel like Rocky Balboa, or maybe Shooter McGavin.  Really I just feel awesome again.

That's how I roll though.  I can't STAND the chicken-soup-and-Gatorade diet for more than 2 meals in a row and I'd rather take my chances of blowing a hole in my gut than eat one more bowl of condensed nastiness and white bread.  Bleh.  Gatorade's pretty good though.  (Cue Rocky or Shooter montage.)

So I'll post the meal list and hope for better next week.  Bonus: Eric will be on a fishing trip later in the week so I'll get to internet until the wee hours of dawn and we'll all be better because of it.  Yes, internet is a verb.

This week's meal list:

Penne Alfredo with Zucchini and Yellow Squash (summer's last hoo-rah)
Slow Cooker Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches (found here) and Coleslaw (here)
Chili (love chili weather!) served with Salad (because we HAF to have a veggie.)

Recipes here (chili waaay down on the list)

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